Feature request

Here we will discuss any subject related to the Android Pocket Transceiver which is available for free download in Google Play Store
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Re: Feature request

Post by yo3ggx »

Smartphone microphone use auto level adjust, so noise is increased during silence.
If the smartphone is not designed to do this kind of background noise reduction (usually through multiple microphones), I see no way to implement this in my application.
You must lower the audio level on the computer where jAReC runs to reduce the background noise.

FT857/897 cannot be powered on/off using CAT commands. Is not very clear what you intend to describe as issues. I need a little bit more details.

73 Dan YO3GGX
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Re: Feature request

Post by Ari »

Hey. I think this is the same thing I mean.

"I always get feedback from other ham that when I push my PTT it is heard "noise/cracking sound" instead of just "click sound", it is looked like difficult how to say."

"I think I know the reason for the noise/cracking sound. The audio stream contains some trailing noise from Rx when clicking on PTT. I will try to solve this too."
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Re: Feature request

Post by yo3ggx »


Clear now.
Included on the list for the next update.

73 Dan YO3GGX
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Re: Feature request

Post by Ari »

Great. I made a small video with which I can spot. When I press ptt, the radio emits a strong signal momentarily. Even if the volume is low, it still does.

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Re: Feature request

Post by kk7er »

Would it be possible to add a virtual Morse code key (or two buttons to emulate an iambic keyer)? I think the changes would be quite minimal:
  • Define a CW Key button
  • At first press of CW Key button engage PTT and begin generating a 700 Hz sine wave (this is sent to rig instead of microphone audio)
  • When CW Key button is released do not release PTT but generate silence instead
  • Further presses of CW Key button generate 700 Hz sine wave
  • If the CW Key button has been released for, say, 0.5 seconds release PTT
Audio envelope shaping could be added for better results.
This feature would be similar to the way Fldigi generates CW.
I would love to be able to operate CW when away from the shack.
Thank you for a great product!

73, Mike
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Re: Feature request

Post by yo3ggx »

Hello Mike,
jAReC and Pocket RxTx v4 will have CW functionalities, but implemented in another way. You will enter text and the message will be send with the WPM previously set. CW decoding will be included to, as experimental. When working remotely, the remote end (jAReC or Pocket RxTx will build the CW message based on text.

Your proposed approach is possible too, but best results are obtained if you use the keying port of your radio instead of a 700Hz carrier. What do you think?

73 Dan YO3GGX
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Re: Feature request

Post by kk7er »

Hi Dan,

I am very happy to hear that you planned a solution for sending CW in version 4! But there is something satisfying about tapping out Morse code. It would be nice to have a way to do that too. And it would be frustrating to me to deal with typos on my smartphone during a contest situation.

I agree that using the keying port of the radio would best utilize the radio's CW capabilities. But doesn't it require some extra hardware to close the keying circuit and perhaps an additional serial interface to the computer? My proposal works over the existing audio and serial interfaces with no extra hardware. That's what makes it attractive to me.

In any case, I really appreciate your work on Pocket RXTX and am looking forward to version 4!

73, Mike
Last edited by kk7er on Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feature request

Post by yo3ggx »

I perfectly understand your point. To use radio keying you need a radio interface able to control both PTT and keying, or to use PTT over CAT and Keying over RTS or DTR. I will take into consideration your proposal too, I know that CW fans like to send CW, not text. In fact the engine to generate tone instead of keying is already implemented in the code, but not accessible in the current beta version of jAReC 4.
73 Dan YO3GGX
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