error FileNotFoundException

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Contact: error FileNotFoundException

Post by yo3ggx »

Sometimes when you start the app, especially if you done an upgrade from the previous version, you can get the following error (or similar):

An error has occured in sub: FileNotFoundException: /storeage/emulated/0/prxtx/Radios/k3.jpg: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

This error is most probable related to a "feature" requested by many users: prevent adding radio pictures to the media library.
Please do the following:
- uninstall the application
- completely remove the folder "/prxtx" from the Internal Storage (using a file explorer or connection the device to a PC)
- reinstall the application
- restart the device.

Hope this helps.

Please send me your feedback after you try this. I intend to remove this feature in the next release which is a work in progress.

73 Dan YO3GGX